The Foundation will actively solicit and evaluate grant applications from qualifying organizations and programs and will make grants to appropriate applicants who have demonstrated a need consistent with the mission of the Foundation. The officers and directors of the Foundation will conduct this activity, primarily within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Grant requests must be submitted by April 1. By the end of April, the Foundation will. award a percentage of its endowment in the form of grants to qualifying organizations and programs that further the Foundation’s mission.
Grant Applications should be submitted:
By email:
Bruce and Elizabeth Durkee,
Or by mail:
The Corinthian Sailing Foundation
Attn: Application Review Committee
One Nahant Street
P.O. Box 401
Marblehead, MA 01945
Applicants should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Foundation's Grant Application Instructions.
There are no application deadlines and the Foundation will accept applications on an ongoing basis. However, applicants should note that the Foundation’s Board of Directors holds meetings in April and October of each year to evaluate grant applications. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to submit their materials at least two months in advance of the applicable grant review meeting to assure that the review process is concluded in advance of the meeting.
Piers Park Recipient
“We would not have been able to do it without the help of Corinthian Sailing Foundation.”
Alex DeFronzo, Director
Piers Park is a community sailing center dedicated to providing 100% inclusive year-round recreational, educational and personal growth opportunities for people of all ages and abilities through sailing and STEM education in Boston Harbor. PPSC affects the lives of hundreds of at-risk youth, provides empowerment through fully accessible sailing facilities for people living with disabilities, and acts as a center for waterfront activities for the entire community.
One of the specific ways that Piers Park meets their mission is through high school sailing teams. Since 2014, Piers Park Sailing Center has hosted practices and races for two high school sailing teams: East Boston High School and Pioneer Charter School of Science. Both teams compete in the Mass Bay League with fellow Boston area High School Sailing Teams.
Sail Salem Recipient
Sail Salem thanks the Corinthian Sailing Foundation for supporting their program in 2020!
Sail Salem is an educational program for children promoting positive life skills and values through the sport of sailing. In the last four years Sail Salem has introduced sailing to over 1,000 children from Salem and surrounding towns. Lessons are conducted in Salem Harbor off Winter Island and we are bringing the love of sailing to many children who would not have the opportunity to be on a boat.
Sail Salem’s educational sailing program exists to empower all participants, regardless of economic and ethnic background, to develop independence, self-confidence and communication, while fostering teamwork, community spirit and volunteering through the sport of sailing.
Pleon Yatch Club Recipient
Pleon Yacht Club's mission is to involve as many young people as possible in the sport of sailing through a fun, educational atmosphere and to keep them involved and growing on a personal level for many years.
Since the Club's beginning in 1887, Pleon's flag officers and members have been youngsters under the age of 21. The program supports both serious competitors and recreational sailors of all skill levels, and is focused on building sailing skills while also promoting sportsmanship, fostering teamwork and strengthening respect for oneself and others.
Pleon alumni include Olympians, America's Cup competitors, world champions, national champions, college All-Americans, and many, many more whose lives have been enriched by a love of sailing.
Sail Rec! Recipient
Greater Fall River RE-CREATION, formerly known as “CD-REC”, is a non-profit recreation and prevention based organization that provides educational and developmental programs to the residents in the Greater Fall River area, emphasizing economically disadvantaged youths.
Sail Rec! is a non-profit sailing school operated by Greater Fall River RE-CREATION in a permit arrangement with the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). Their learn-to-sail programs are not only affordable, but accessible, customizable, educational, and most of all, FUN!
New sailors gain confidence by learning to captain their own vessel on the river, in a safe and nurturing environment!
Throughout each sailor’s experience, they will cultivate social skills involving leadership and camaraderie.